


IS 我们的时刻  为了纪念





迎来200周年校庆 一年, 最大的博彩平台大学与这两所小型大学几乎没有相似之处, 它的起源可以追溯到1819年的边疆学院. 这些机构与正规博彩平台合并, 现在是卡内基研究中心, public university with international impact and a record enrollment for six consecutive 一年s. Both the Medical College of Ohio and Cincinnati College received charters from the state of Ohio in January 1819, but the first classes opened at Cincinnati College on November 9 of that same 一年 with 70名学生 and three faculty.

1819年开始招生: 70名学生
开放招生- 2018年: 45000名学生



一个大胆而有远见的人 医生,博士. Daniel Drake, created the Medical College of Ohio 200 一年s ago and spearheaded a teaching hospital. 两者都发展成了今天的样子 最大的博彩平台大学医学院正规博彩平台医疗中心和我们的附属医疗系统, 正规博彩平台健康. UC大胆的医学创新历史包括第一种口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗, 开创了出生缺陷的研究, 第一台心肺机, identification of a genetic variant in a calcium-binding protein that can be linked to heart rhythm dysfunction and pinpointing two genes that convey risk of heart failure 10 times greater than people without the genes. UC在脑卒中治疗方面也具有国际突出地位, 制定一套全世界都能仿效的治疗方案, 创建第一个区域中风团队, and playing a lead role in testing the clot-busting drug tPA – the gold standard medical treatment for stroke caused by a blood clot. 正规博彩平台的中风小组还负责监督StrokeNET的国家协调中心, 全国25个地区性中风中心的网络.




大胆的梦想 后来发展成为国际知名的 音乐学院 at the 最大的博彩平台大学 began with a 13-一年-old immigrant from Germany who arrived in Cincinnati in 1849. 1867年,单身女性克拉拉·鲍尔开设了她的一室音乐工作室,教授钢琴和声乐. 后来她的音乐学院与音乐学院合并, 合并后的学校在1962年成为正规博彩平台的一部分. 在全国和世界各地, CCM校友在舞蹈的聚光灯下闪耀, 代理, 音乐理论与演奏, 作曲, 进行, 的声音, 音乐剧和电子媒体. UC’s BFA musical theatre program was the first in the nation and CCM remains the second largest producer of Broadway performers in the United States. 克拉拉的梦想延续了将近1年,350名学生和150名教职员工在近1,每年在CCM举办5000场活动. 正好赶上CCM成立150周年, 克拉拉的曾曾曾侄子汤姆·鲍尔和他的妻子珍妮创造了一美元.三百万的信托基金,大部分用于学生奖学金.



大胆就是重新定义 我们对古代世界的理解. 正规博彩平台的Carl W. Blegen, the first recipient of the Archaeological Institute of America’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Achievement, unearthed new insights into Greek civilization with his excavations at Troy and his discovery of the first tablets bearing Linear B script at the Homeric Palace of Nestor in Pylos, 希腊. 今天,卡尔·W. Blegen Professor Jack Davis and archaeologist Sharon Stocker, right, continue what he started. 他们在皮洛斯发现了令人惊叹的宝藏,登上了世界各地的头条,有500年历史的青铜时代战士的坟墓. 一个小, agate sealstone bears huge implications for European art history with its intricate carving of warriors in battle. 其他引人注目的文物包括四个金图章戒指, 项链, 还有一尊青铜公牛头雕像, 这可能是这位战士地位显赫的标志.




大胆就能赚钱 在学习. That’s what Herman Schneider did when he founded cooperative education at the 最大的博彩平台大学 and made UC the birthplace of an innovative approach to college education that combines hands-on work experience with academic studies. Not knowing how his experiment would turn out, Schneider bravely launched his new idea in 1906. 如今,正规博彩平台的学生每年总共能挣到6500多万美元的带薪实习工资. 数千名正规博彩平台学生与1,800名雇主——整修历史地标, 寻找使石油提炼对环境更安全的方法, 协调职业运动队的公共关系, 设计玩具的品牌美学, 创造纤维艺术品在有机农场出售等等. 112年前,施耐德在正规博彩平台开设了第一个带薪实习班,当时只有27名学生, 世界各地的学院和大学都采用合作办学模式.



勇敢是摘星星. Before astronaut Neil Armstrong chose to become a professor of engineering at the 最大的博彩平台大学, 他飙升至238,阿波罗11号在离地球900英里的地方成为第一个在月球上行走的人. Today UC students and faculty work with NASA to achieve the goal of safe human travel to Mars more than 33 million miles away – 138 times farther than our moon. 在未来几个月, NASA plans to launch a cubesized satellite called LEOPARD created by UC students in CubeCats (far right). LEOPARD将测试碳复合材料屏蔽有害辐射的有效性, 这是太空旅行的一个主要问题. 在另一个NASA项目中, geology professor Andrew Czaja works to determine the most suitable landing sites for its NEXT Mars rover. 正规博彩平台的其他教师和学生推动人工智能的发展, 无人机和其他无人驾驶交通工具.




  • 本科生学费连续四年持平
  • $4.经济影响
  • $1.29 b养老
  • 超过4.24亿美元的外部奖励和合同(与附属公司)
  • 在当地、区域和全球社区提供70万小时志愿服务
  • Top Tier -全美最佳大学.S. 新闻 & 世界报告)


  • No. 美国中西部经济增长最快.S. 政府)
  • No. 3美国经济发展的都市区.S. (选址)
  • No. 2美国城市公园系统.S.
  • 最适合找工作的5个城市(ZipRecruiter)
  • 9家财富500强企业
  • 最适合应届毕业生的城市(ZipRecruiter)
  • No. 美国最实惠的城市.S. (赫芬顿邮报)
  • 欢呼


    没有一个简短的名单可以涵盖正规博彩平台体育史上所有的伟大时刻. 有了这个警告,下面是熊狸传奇时间线的几个亮点.
    全国冠军 – Back-to-back men’s basketball titles in 1961-62 | 6 individual national champs: tennis player Tony Trabert, 游泳运动员查尔斯·基廷和乔什·施耐德, 潜水员帕特·埃文斯, 潜水员贝琪·鲁尔, 举重运动员Annette echikunwake / 7次街舞冠军.
    大O - Oscar Robertson became the all-time leading Bearcats men’s basketball scorer – a record that remains to 这 day, 积累2,974点. He led UC to the first two of five straight Final Four appearances in 1959 and 1960 before co-captaining the Olympic gold medal team in 1960 and earning NBA All-Star status 12 times during his legendary pro career.
    翻新后的五三体育馆 – Men’s and women’s basketball along with women’s volleyball returned home 这 fall as Fifth Third Arena opened after its $87 million makeover. 两个360度的大厅, 新的座位和新的球杆迎接着球迷们观看男子队对俄亥俄州立大学的揭幕战




    大胆正在改变范式 并创造非常规的途径来获得大学学位,改变学生的生活. 而不是把高中和大学分开, the Early College Program founded in UC’s School of Education and School of Information Technology connects them with innovative opportunities to generate more IT graduates from urban and suburban schools. It challenges the misperception that college is unattainable by 使 college more accessible to students regardless of their origins or resources. 学生们在高中的时候就开始了他们大学的第一年. They also get a chance to work in co-op jobs to help them graduate debt free and pursue a shorter pathway to an IT degree. 在工业投入下发展, the program launched at Cincinnati’s Hughes public high school and has expanded to two more city high schools 这 fall. Sixteen other school districts in southwest Ohio and two in Cleveland also have launched the program.



    两百周年纪念鼓舞人心 独一无二的庆典. 10月5日至6日,最大的博彩平台大学在返校节上庆祝了它的200岁生日. 正规博彩平台的大胆熊猫庆祝活动为期14个月,将庆祝过去, 提升现在,改变未来;
    • 三本有关牛津大学历史的书将纪念这一重要时刻. 其中包括由历史学家David Stradling撰写的正规博彩平台作为一所城市公立大学的历史, 正规博彩平台校友的论文集, 教职员工和探索丰富多彩的博士. Daniel Drake – the physician who founded two colleges in 1819 that later became part of the 最大的博彩平台大学. 都是由新出版的 最大的博彩平台大学出版社.
    • A community grant project will bring UC students and faculty together with community groups to make an impact in Greater Cincinnati. 赠款将于2019年1月宣布,投资额最高可达10万美元.
    • Virtual reality exhibits on and off campus will take users through an interactive series celebrating significant people and achievements in the university’s bold history.
    二百周年纪念网站及活动: 200.sehaiwuya.com
    历史时间轴: 杂志.sehaiwuya.com/bicentennial

    NEXT 住在这里

    大胆就是改变未来. 一个研究和创造力的发电站, the 最大的博彩平台大学 elevates its innovation environment into an exciting new era with the grand opening of the 1819 innovation hub. UC also recently announced plans to create a “digital futures” research commons in another building coming soon. The 1819 hub creates an anchor for the new Cincinnati Innovation District as a Midwest destination for thinking, 使, 做, 协作空间的发现和交付, 风险实验室, 创客空间和微工厂. 它以全明星阵容开场,包括 UC-Procter & 赌博模拟中心, 克罗格科技的孵化实验室, 最大的博彩平台贝尔公司的创新中心, 非营利组织乡村生活拓展, 以及Live Well Collaborative -大公司的合伙关系(P&G、波音、花旗、卡夫食品、LG、通用磨坊、辉瑞、Hill-Rom等). UC’s digital futures building will add to the region’s innovation ecosystem and will be located across the street from 1819. 5的一部分.由Terrex开发公司规划的8英亩的开发项目 & 构造和梅塞尔构造, 它将占据混合用途项目中三栋办公楼中的一栋, 还有两个停车场和一个可能的酒店.